As Brothers of Sigma Lambda Beta we pride ourselves in creating a family-oriented atmosphere at our respective campuses. It is this support network that we have been able to create what makes our organization so powerful.
Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity, Inc., prides itself in not only the recognition, but the intersection of these four principles: Brotherhood, Scholarship, Cultural Awareness, and Community Service.
Our Principles
Academic success and higher education is our main goal as collegiate men. It is through our brotherhood that we can enhance academic retention and ensure a high percentage of graduating members as well as members pursuing post-baccalaureate degrees.
Community Service
As able-bodied men, we believe it is our responsibility to give back to our communities through service and philanthropic endeavors. Some of our most popular service events include: Bro. Victor Correa CPR Awareness, Vote Latino, & Habitat for Humanity.
Cultural Awareness
A great deal of emphasis is placed on spreading cultural awareness in each of our campuses. We believe that only through heightened awareness of the rich cultures we all share we will increase our understanding, tolerance, and acceptance of one another.